조왕규t [1143129] · MS 2022 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2023-02-27 16:16:02
조회수 3,386

알아야할 다의어 몇 개!

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09. term [tɜːrm] → 마지막을 나타내는 경계선즉 끝이라는 라틴어에서 유래

1.용어, 2.기간, 3.학기, 4.(pl.)조건, 5.(pl.)사이관계

(특정한 이름·용어로)칭하다일컫다


□ in terms of : ~면에서, ~에 관하여 ***

□ come to terms with : ~와 (합의·계약)조건 등에 이르다타협이 이루어지다 

동의어 reach an agreement with

□ in the long(short) term : 장기적(단기적)으로 ***

□ be on good terms with : ~랑 사이가 좋다

□ terminology : 용어학 *

□ terminal :  터미널종착역 말기의불치병에 걸린 *

기출예문1)This approach is appropriately termed “stealing thunder.” 2018학년도 6월 모의평가

기출예문3)Clepto means “thief ” in Greek, and the term cleptoparasite refers specifically to an organism that lives off another by stealing its food. 2018학년도 6월 모의평가

기출예문3)As athletes move up the competitive ladder, they become more homogeneous in terms of physical skills. 2018학년도 6월 모의평가

기출예문4)Hence, raising awareness of children about the particular characteristics of SNS and the potential long-term impact of a seemingly trivial act is crucial. 2018 수능

12. even [ˈiːvn] → 똑같은고른을 나타내는 어원에서 파생

1.평평한고른반반한 2.공평한공정한, 3.짝수의

1.~조차도, 2.훨씬

균등하게 만들다설욕하다

기출문장1)This phenomenon allows health care providers to maintain their income even as competition increases. 2018학년도 6월 모의평가 변형

기출문장2)As a kid, Andrew liked to observe Grandad play chess and often predicted his 

moves even before he began to move the pieces. 2018학년도 6월 모의평가

기출문장3)Thus, while the “urban villagers” lacked ties even to their local city government, cosmopolitan network ties often lead into the White House. 2018학년도 9월 모의평가

16. fair [fer] → 공정한이라는 뜻을 가진 fæger(Old English)에서 유래됨

1.공정한공평한, 2.규칙에 어긋나지 않는, 3.꽤 많은, 4.살결이 흰희고 아름다운



□ fair and square : 정정당당한

□ fair game : 만만한 대상해금된 사냥감

기출문장1)Meanwhile my father took me to a pony fair and let me try some ponies, but he always found some fault with them, leaving me in despair. 2017학년도 9월 모의평가

기출문장2)Right. Selecting winners that way seems fair to students. 2019학년도 9월 모의평가

기출문장3)This crop is harvested throughout the year and thus requires more than its fair share of water. 2021학년도 6월 모의평가

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