수핚의정섞 [432432] · MS 2017 · 쪽지

2015-02-08 00:56:33
조회수 503

[개억지 태클 마저도 환영] 자작 영어 빈칸문제 1번

게시글 주소: https://cheetar.orbi.kr/0005671708

1.다음 중 빈칸에 알맞은 선지를 쳐넣으시오.

The idea of Blitzkrieg which is hitler's most strategy was to hit quickly and to co-ordinate closely with supporting units so as to maximize the movements. As ever the Nazi's western front, such a strategy has been true of the Soviet Union which the world's largest and coldest country. In early of war months, hitler's army was able to advance effectively across Russia. Yet for the Rasputitsa cames, the east frontline was a deadlock. It makes hitler's war a long war. The kind of temperature with severe mood swings means that the coexistence of various parametors and in particular, negative effects, for example, Daring adventure will lead to a huge risk are only for invader. But because they can't give up the lighting war, the Nazi Germany noted bloking the supply route which is depending on the crystallization of war. So in 1942, on operation of the "Case Blue", Hitler's army go to conquer the Caucasia oil field supplying almost all of Russian Army's tank oils, At the detailed discussion of the operation, Hitler modified the mission slightly [ ]. But in spite of sufficient contrast, on the Russia's variables, They are defeated hurtly.
*rasputitsa 러시아의 빙해기로 눈이 녹아 진흙이되는 시기

1. not to use blitzkrieg but the crystallization of war tactics

2. to stop marching until the rasputitsa over

3. to split fighting power as safe as enough to succeed

4. to stabilze the supply lines more than opponents

5. to cater for the Russia's season in order to continuous blitzkrieg

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