M영어 [365861] · MS 2011 · 쪽지

2013-07-16 12:49:30
조회수 6,555

영어 EBS N제 변형문제<1>

게시글 주소: https://cheetar.orbi.kr/0003744107

EBS 영어영역 변형교재 <Hit The Nail> 저자입니다.

오랜만에 글을 쓰네요!
그동안 N제 변형교재 작업에 전념하느라 오르비에서 활동할 여유가 많이 없었네요..ㅠㅠ
이번에 만든 문제 두 개를 공개하고자 합니다.
어법문제는 다소 까다로울 수 있고, 순서 문제는 그리 어렵지 않을 것으로 생각됩니다.
고난도 문제는 빈칸에서 몇 개를 만들었는데 그 문제들은 책을 위하여 남겨놓도록 할게요(^^; 죄송합니다).

1. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?


A wise person once said that next to life itself, the right to direct that life is one’s greatest treasure. Whether born in miserable poverty or shackled at birth by inherited riches, everyone has this most (A) (precious / preciously) of all life’s endowments: the gift of directing one’s own life and making choices. This is not a gift to do anything one wants to do; rather it is the gift of being able to think and decide. The right people have to direct their lives (B) (is / are) of no value if they don’t know where they are going. Freedom of choice is useless maybe even harmful for those who have not learned how to make wise choices. Freedom of choice is more than just thinking and making decisions; it is a matter of making things (C) (happen / to happen). There is an old German saying: “You have to take life as it happens, but you should try to make it happen the way you want to take it!” [Np.103 208


precious …… is …… happen

precious ……   is     ……   happen

preciously …… is …… happen

preciously …… is …… to happen

preciously …… are …… to happen

precious ……

2. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?


One of the reasons that farming spreads so rapidly once it starts is that the first few crops are both more productive and more easily grown than later crops, so farmers are always happy to move on to virgin land.


(A) If you burn down a forest, you are left with a fertile soil. All you need to do is poke a digging stick into the ground, plant a seed, and wait for it to grow.

(B) But the ox needs feeding, so you need pasture as well as cultivable land. No wonder that shifting agriculture remains so much more popular with many tribal people in forests to this day.

(C) After a few years, however, the soil is compacted and weeds have proliferated. If you now let the ground rest to allow the fertility to build up again, the tough roots of grasses need to be broken up to make a good seedbed and for that you need a plough and an ox to pull it. [Np.97 196]







답은 스포 방지를 위해 앞뒤에 위장용(?) 숫자 다섯개를 붙여서 적어주세요.
예를 들어 답이 1번이라면 12943101928와 같은 식으로요! (물론 밑줄은 치지 말아주시고요!)

D-100이 다가오고 있네요.
언제나처럼 계속, 열심히 정진하시길 바랍니다.


f      happ

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